John Benjamin Lunt of North Kennebunkport had already bought the sawmill, grist mill, and flowage at Goodwins Mills. Leonard Walker sold the mill privilege to Lunt in 1918 along with Lunt’s business partner George Whitcomb, Jr. of West Swanzey, New Hampshire. They also bought the whole road to Barkers Pond and a “a lot and the road leading to Wadlin’s Pond from Goodwins Mills. They also bought 10.5 acres around the pond, mill, and the dam. We might be getting the feeling that something big was coming…and it WAS!

In the fall or winter of 1926, a large dam was constructed, creating a much larger pond. A deed between Ralph W. Smith of Saco and the Saco-Biddeford Savings Bank in July of 1927 released Smith from a portion of his mortgage because 22 acres of his land had “been flowed by the new dam of J.B. Lunt at Wadleighs Pond”! Here we are, again, with the current spelling. Wadleigh Pond was now the size that it is today.

John B. Lunt died in April of 1940. He owned the two mills, a brickyard on Alfred Road, and farms where he raised beef cattle. He served in the legislature in 1925. He was clearly a prominent business man. His wife, Ella Nason, died four years later. Both are buried in the Goodwins Mills Cemetery.

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