Thank you to Pat and Dave Lavoie for sharing their home with us for the annual picnic. It was a perfect day!
In August, we held our annual picnic at the home of Pat and David Lavoie. It was a beautiful day, with delicious food thanks to all the wonderful cooks. Nick Lariviere and Rick Lavoie were our grill masters this year and the dogs and burgers were, of course, yummy. Thanks, Rick and Nick! The raffle is always a big hit and Jeanne Dulong’s hard work and organization makes this such a success. Every year, it seems, the offerings get better and better. Our members are so generous and creative, making the decisions where to put your tickets tough. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. This picnic is our major fund raiser to pay for the maintenance of the dam. After expenses, here are the totals for this year:
Entrance: $450 Donations: $155 Raffle: $950 50/50: $233 Total: $1763

Look at this the crowd enjoying the day.