2022 WPA Annual Meeting Minutes

Wadleigh Pond Dam Association Annual Meeting
June 18, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 10:00AM at the dam. Thank you once again to Linda and Brooks Thayer, who are so kind to share this beautiful spot! Last year’s minutes were read by secretary, Evelyn Lord, and it was moved and seconded to accept the minutes and the vote was unanimous. The treasurer’s report was read by treasurer, Amy Toussaint, who reported a balance of $9237.12. Last year’s picnic yielded a profit of $1617, $400 of which was dues. We had 71 in attendance. We have 36% of residents who are paid members. It was moved and seconded to have the treasurer’s report accepted and the acceptance was voted on unanimously.
OLD BUSINESS: The dam report was presented by John Houy Dam Agent. The next area to work on is the growth at the wall bordering John Spain’s property at the end of the dam. President Pat Lavoie asked for members to volunteer to clean this growth and the growth and debris on the rocky spillway. The culvert near the dam is cleaned up by Mike across the street. Some clean-up has happened on the rocky spillway and some old boards there need to be removed.
Pat Lavoie reported on the water testing done in August and the results were that our water is excellent for recreational use (boating, swimming, fishing). She explained the person who did the testing cautioned that the test can be affected by the conditions day to day, everything looks fine and the test will be redone in August.
We thanked the many people on the pond who help with clean up and who promote our feeling of community. These include debris /culvert cleaning, dam repair, the boat parade and fireworks for July 4th, our Facebook page and website, and the road maintenance. Without people doing these things, our pond life would be very different. WE APPRECIATE YOU!!!
NEW BUSINESS: The BOAT PARADE will be held July 3rd at noon. Some people had requested a night parade but a survey showed most wanted a day event. It starts at Fryes Bridge. Linda Koehler suggested those who were able could pick up people at their property and join the parade. Great idea! People interested could see how this would work for them. Good fireworks viewing is at the deep end near Fryes Bridge. The people who do this are requesting donations now because they are in the process of buying the fireworks. The more donations, the more spectacular is the show. Donations can be made in person to Linda Houy (checks made out to CASH), Venmo, PayPal, or CASH. THANK YOU to those who do this to make the night of the 4th so special!
GOALS: We are concerned about the trash that accumulates along the wall of the dam, some that comes off boats and some left there by “visitors” hanging out or fishing. It was proposed we put a chained trash can there but the worry is, people would just drop off their household trash or car trash as they go by. We decided as a group to not do this, Mike across the street and John Houy regularly check and clean up. THANKS SO MUCH!

PINIC: Thank you to Carol Merola and Pat Lavoie for co-chairing the pond picnic last year. A request was made for someone to volunteer to chair this year. The Merolas have kindly offered their home to host again this year. THANK YOU!!! A sheet was handed around and people volunteered to help:
*Lyn Lord
*John Houy-grilling
*Bill Cook (no FB so contact

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The current slate of officers is willing to serve another year. It was moved and seconded to accept the current slate. The vote was unanimous.


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