Each summer around the 4th of July, everyone who wishes decorates their boats in fun, crazy, and colorful ways! In recent years, John and Linda Houy help get it organized and let everyone know what day and time to gather. We meet on Roberts Pond and any boat can start the parade with each one following. People on boats and on the shore play music, honk horns, and cheer each other one. We circle around and around, gathering parade-goers along the way, many trying to win the award for best decorated for that year’s parade. Judges are waiting on Fryes Bridge to vote They take this job VERY seriously and their decisions are FINAL!! You can always tell the most competitive boaters who REALLY want to win and have bragging rights.
Later as it gets dark, boats head out to Roberts Pond for a great view of the amazing fireworks. The time and energy that goes into this show makes it the best in the area. There’s something about watching fireworks on the water. Even though many donate towards the expense of this event, often those who put it on go way beyond what they take in to ensure the best of the best experience for us.
Here are some pictures.