2024 WPA Annual Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 10:45 and twenty four (24) members were in attendance. The officers were introduced:
President: Pat Lavoie
Vice President: Linda Koehler
Secretary: Evelyn Lord
Treasurer: Amy Toussaint
Evelyn Lord read the minutes of last year’s meeting. John Houy wanted an amendment to the minutes: “The water levels are set by the state via permit.” A motion was made to accept the minutes as amended.
ARTICLE I- NAME (no revision)
Steve Lord moved that the ByLaws revised by the officers be accepted as revised. Brian Dulong seconded. A discussion followed. Linda Koehler explained the reason it was necessary to revise the ByLaws was to bring them in line with current best practice. Linda Koehler will be registered as the new Agent of the Association. Arthur Dupuis resigned as a Director. Lonnie Hamilton will serve in his place along with our other two Directors.
Brian Dulong wanted to revise Article II to be phrased: “The purpose of this Organization shall be to protect and maintain the Wadleigh Pond dam.” Omit everything after this regarding property owners.
John Houy was concerened that the wording about property owners would open up the Association to property owners seeking our help with issues affected their property. Water testing was a good practice for the Association. Linda Houy said the wording regarding helping property owners would put the Assocciation in a position to intervene in property owners’ issues/disputes on the pond. Joe Morais asked if we should included something about protecting the pond against vegetation. Steve Merola asked what authority does the Association have to help (i.e. if someone complains about a culvert causing flooding of property). Mark Alosio brought up that some time ago, he had talked to many property owners and at that time, they were having trouble connecting the collection of dues with what was needed to maintain the dam. Linda Koehler offered a wording revision for Article II to reflect the members’ wishes re: omitting wording about property owners. Joe Morais called for each article where revisions were made to be voted on individually. Steve Lord withdrew his motion to accept the ByLaws document as a whole. The revised wording of Article II was approved unanimously.
Steve Merola asked what constitutes membership. There was a long discussion defining membership: Who does membership include? Can anyone in Lyman be a member? Does a member have to have waterfront property? Can anyone in Lyman be a member? Pat proposed we go on to Article 4 and discuss this after the votes on the other articles.

The revised wording that was proposed is “The dues of the Association will be $50 per year per property on Wadleigh Pond with access to water. Dues shall be paid by September 1 of each year. A property owner must be paid up in good standing to have a voice to vote. This was passed with a hand vote.
This article was passed unanimously as written.
The Dam Agent has been added to the Board of Officers.
The article passed unanimously.
This was passed unanimously.
All were passed unanimously.
The membership revisited ARTICLE III. There was a lively discussion about what constitutes membership. Mark Alosio moved the wording should be as follows and as discussed. Keith Rocray seconded. The wording will be: All property owners of Wadleigh Pond Lyman, Maine shall be eligible for membership and shall have one (1) vote per property membership in good standing. The article as revised passed with two dissenting votes.
Following the ByLaws discussions, some members questioned whether there was a need to distinguish Roberts Pond from Wadleigh Pond. There are property owners on what is named Roberts Pond on a map who are members of the Wadleigh Pond Dam Association. Pat Lavoie will contact someone in the Town of Lyman Office.
The parade will July 6 at 12 beginning on Roberts Pond up near Fryes Bridge. Contestants who are entering the contest should pause at Fryes Bridge to be photographed.
Fireworks will be July 6 at dusk. Linda Houy and Denise Morais are accepting donations.
Balance last August 2023: $14,382.19
Current Balance as of June 8, 2024: $16,732+
Linda Houy moved the report be accepted as presented, seconded
August 10, 12-4. The Merolas have kindly offered to host. Thanks so much! People to help set up the night before would be greatly appreciated. The cost is $5/person and $10/family Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided this year. Jean offered, again to manage the raffle. Thank you.
All officers agreed to serve another year:
Pat Lavoie-President
Linda Koehler- Vice President
Evelyn Lord- Secretary
Amy Toussaint- Treasurer
Bobby Papazian-Dam Agent
Carol Merola moved that the slate of officers be approved, as read.
It was seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept.
Joe Morais brought up whether the Association should have liability insurance to protect against any legal action claiming our dam caused flooding. The cost mentioned was possibly $891. Pat Lavoie will check into this.
Amy wondered if the Association should be filing Federal Income Taxes. Steve Lord said nonprofits need only file if they have more than $50,00 in assets. So, no need to file.
Laurie Callahan, who was planning on attending the meeting today, was unable to be here due to illness. The need to address our plant problems, such as milfoil, is ongoing. Apparently, Little Ossipee property owners are working together to clean THEIR water.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 12:10.

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