The Dam and Wadleigh Pond Need Your Help

It is important to understand that the dam is what is holding all of the water in our pond. Without proper maintenance, the dam will fail and Wadleigh pond as we know it WILL be lost forever. The dam is in bad shape and is in desperate need of repairs, and soon.  The D.E.P. has confirmed that if the dam lets go, we would never receive a permit to replace it. So, we need to repair it and take care of it!

If the dam were to let go, we will lose over 14 feet of water from the pond, and when the average depth of the pond is only 10-12 feet, that means what was once our beautiful pond, will be nothing but a big mud hole. If you are not concerned about the devastation to the wildlife and aquatic creatures on the pond, think about the value of your property. The view of an ugly, swampy, mud hole will most certainly bring down the value of your waterfront property significantly.

You can see the degradation in the pictures below (taken by Brooks Munroe Thayer on June 12, 2017).






There is a plan to reinforce the dam, but the plan requires permits and funding. Unfortunately, the association does not have enough money for the repairs because not everyone has been paying their annual dues.

What Can You Do?

Pay your dues, ask your neighbors to pay their dues. The dues are a mere $50 per year. There are over 100 land owners on Wadleigh Pond. If everyone paid there dues we would receive $5000 a year which would go a long way to fund any required repairs. Sadly, we have a less that 50% participation rate. We are hoping to get the word out to those who may not know the state of the dam and the importance of paying dues.

To pay your 2017 dues of $50, download the printable membership form. Mail a check and completed form to:

Sharyn King
24 Sullivan Lane
Lyman, ME 04002

Over the years, members of the association who care greatly have contribute their annual dues, volunteered their time to help raise money and collect dues to maintain the dam. People have donated extra money and time for major projects, like the new spillway. Thank you to the people who do pay dues and to those who have gone above and beyond to preserve our beloved Wadleigh Pond.


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